Corpus Christi

Celebrating the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, we rejoice because we are loved so much by Almighty God that He gives us His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity to give us strength and to deepen our union with Him! This feast began in the Diocese of Liége in the 13th century and spread through the Catholic world to become a universal feast in 1371 by a papal bull of Pope John XXII. On Holy Thursday we focus on the institution of the priesthood, the institution of the Eucharist, the washing of the disciples’ feet, and the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. A feast focused solely on the Holy Eucharist was needed. What a gift we have been given! What love we have received! Jesus Christ truly present in the form of bread and wine!


Tomorrow, June 3rd, is Fr. King’s First Anniversary of Priestly Ordination! What a blessing his priestly presence and ministry have been to St. James and to the whole Church! His gifts and wisdom build up our parish in so many different ways from his homilies to his book club, from his singing and music ability to his love for the tradition of the Church, from his humor to his deep philosophical thought! Thank you for saying “Yes” to God’s call to serve Him and to serve His people as a priest of Jesus Christ!

My 20th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination is on Wednesday, June 5th! I cannot believe it has already been 20 years! These two decades have been a wonderful, life-giving, and fascinating adventure! I love being a priest, bringing Jesus to people and people to Jesus! I am always amazed at how the Lord uses me to build His kingdom and serve and lead His people. Please come celebrate with me on Wednesday, June 5th, at the 5:30 PM mass followed by a reception in the Parish Center!

Please continue to pray for me and Fr. King. May we be the priests you need and deserve! May we be holy, happy, and healthy all the days of our lives!

May the peace, joy, and hope of our Risen Lord Jesus be with you and your families!

~ Fr. Daniel Firmin

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