Hurricane Idalia

I hope that everyone weathered Hurricane Idalia and that there wasn’t too much damage to trees and property. Tis the season for preparation and weather watching and prayers that everyone will be safe. Prayers will continue for those most heavily affected by the hurricane and all that comes with it.

If you, your family, or friends have damage and need any assistance because of the storm, please let me know. We are a family and want to help anyone who is in need. We are here for each other in times of crisis and difficulty. You can contact me through the Church Office number: 912-355-1532.

Labor Day

Work is a not a necessary evil, it is our participation in God’s creative act! In each of our own jobs and careers and vocations, we take part in life being lived for the glory of God and for love of our fellow man. Our work contributes (or should contribute) to the common good of man and for the good of each individual person. On Labor Day, we celebrate the dignity of work. We celebrate our participation in the continuation of God’s creation.

On this day/weekend, take some time to think about how your particular job or career contributes to the betterment of humanity and to the individuals you serve in whatever enterprise you are involved in. This person is fed by the food I put on the shelves in the grocery store. That person receives justice when I work on a case as a lawyer. This person can live a better life because of the health care I can give them. Personalize your job. Who do you touch by the gifts you’ve been given by God and the skills you’ve honed over the years? Each of us serve each other in what we do. Celebrate that today and consecrate (make it holy) your work by prayer and intentionally loving the people you serve.

Have a safe and blessed holiday!

May you and your families have a wonderful week and may the blessings of Almighty God be upon you!

~ Fr. Daniel Firmin

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