Merry Christmas!

Since we are still in the Octave of Christmas, I continue to wish you and your families a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
For us Christians, Christmas begins on December 25th with the Solemnity of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and it ends with the Feast of Baptism of the Lord (this year on January 9th). This is the Christmas Season! We should be greeting people with the words, “Merry Christmas” each day of this Season! One more week! Let’s hear it…MERRY CHRISTMAS!

The Sunday within the Octave of Christmas is Holy Family Sunday on which we reflect on the beauty and the dignity of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of God made man. He so humbled Himself that he submitted to human limitations and human learning. Imagine that home with Jesus being taught by Joseph and Mary. Think of the magnificence of those two, our brother and sister in the flesh! What a man! What a woman! They are for us the greatest of all the saints in the heavenly kingdom! The two greatest human beings to have ever lived! Family life is celebrated this day – all the ups and downs, the highs and lows, the glories and the guts, the good times and bad times, the health and sickness, the peace and the chaos, the joy and the hurts. No family is immune from the human experience. May each of our families pull together and go through those times as one – leaning on each other, learning from each other, and loving each other.
May Peace, Joy, Hope, and Love fill the life of your family to overflowing!

On this Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God (not a Holy Day of Obligation tomorrow), we ring in a new year! We are expecting exciting new things here at St. James Church and School this next year that everyone will find joyful and glorious! I cannot go into details right now, but stay tuned and have patience! The good work the Lord Jesus has done in our parish community since 1956 will continue in extraordinary ways this year! I am so deeply grateful that I am here with you for this exciting journey!
As we make resolutions this year, please remember to make a spiritual resolution! What will you do this year to deepen and increase your love for Jesus? Perhaps it is reflecting on his life while praying the rosary. Maybe the increase happens by attending the 7:00 am mass or the 8:30 am mass twice a week. Going to Sacrament of Confession once a month would be a great practice to incorporate in your life! Perhaps you would like to come to the Adoration Chapel to spend some time with the Lord once a week or once a month. Maybe you will decide to read a spiritual book about the saints or an explanation of our faith every other month. Whatever you decide to do, know that we, your priests, your deacon, and your sisters, are here to assist you!

Merry Christmas!

~ Fr. Daniel Firmin

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