Stewardship Weekend

We at St. James are blessed with so many opportunities to know and live our faith and develop our relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church. In the Narthex, you will see tables with signs and sign-up sheets for all the opportunities for ministry and growing in knowledge of our faith and deeper in prayer. Each September we focus on these aspects of how you can be involved in one of the many groups, studies, liturgical ministries, and educational opportunities here at St. James. Every year the number grows and we are providing more opportunities for prayer and the development of our spiritual lives, engaged in more and more social outreach, and giving everyone occasions to expand their knowledge of our beautiful Catholic faith.

All of these opportunities have one aim in mind: to deepen your love for Jesus Christ, expand your knowledge of Jesus and His Body the Church, and give you opportunities to serve your brothers and sisters. We were created to know, love, and serve God in this life so as to live with Him in the next. As a parish community, we provide these opportunities for each other. I encourage you to sign up for something this weekend. The more we give, the more we receive. It is good for all of us to ask that question: am I putting into my own personal spiritual life and my parish life all that I am able at this time? This is an opportunity to do just that!

What a blessing it is to have so many things happening and active at our parish! Many parents are involved in the school. That is a good and wonderful thing! I invite you to be involved also in our parish community. We are one family – parish and school.

Have a wonderful week and may the Lord bless you and your families abundantly!

~ Fr. Daniel Firmin

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