Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA)

This weekend, January 23-24, 2021, we kickoff the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) which supports the growth of the Catholic faith and the practice of the faith by the people of the Diocese of Savannah. These funds collected help us send young men to the Seminary to be formed and trained for the priesthood.

They assist evangelization ministries and support parish religious education programs in the parishes of our Diocese. In 2020, the Diocese assisted the parish and the school to meet payroll and carry on through the impact of the pandemic. With their guidance and support, the financial and pastoral burden were absorbed. They assisted us as we stood firm in the midst of the pandemic, staying Steadfast in Faith. As a parish we held the course as best we could. The Diocese did the same and assisted not only our own parish, but all the parishes and missions across South Georgia. In supporting the ACA, we contribute to the pastoral outreach in every corner of our diocese.

Our goal in 2021 is $110,500. Last year, we met and surpassed our goal with 319 of our 1,350 families making a pledge! That is just 23% of our parish. Let’s make it our parish goal to increase the number of families who give to the Appeal to 350! Just 30 more families needed. Thank you to all who gave! If you have not given before, please consider joining in the support of our local church as we spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our Diocese.

I know that last year and beginning this year have been difficult and uncertain. Many families have struggled and continue to struggle. Thank you for the sacrifices you make for your families, our parish, and our diocese. You should have received information in the mail this week. If you did not, please let the office know. Prayerfully consider a gift to the Appeal. Each one of us should do what we can to support the growth of our Catholic faith all over our Diocese. If we all give something, we can meet our goal in no time! No gift is too small! Thank you for your generosity.

Prayer and Penance to build a Culture of Life

This past Friday, January 22, 2021 marked a day that is a wound in the soul of our nation. That day we remember the Supreme Court legalizing the killing of unborn children in the United States of America. It is a day of sadness. We remember this day by prayer and penance for the violations of the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion. I hope that all of us prayed and did penance to help build a Culture of Life.

What did you do on that day? What penance or prayer was offered by you and your family? Please let me know. Every Tuesday at 5:00 PM, we have a Pro-Life Holy Hour which is specifically dedicated to praying for conversion of the hearts of those who support abortion and for an end to the scourge of abortion in our nation and around the world. Let us build a Culture of Life by starting here in our families and in our parish.

May the Lord Jesus bless you and your families this week!

~ Fr. Daniel Firmin

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