
I am looking to join the Catholic Church. I was baptized via the trinitarian formula, in a Non-Denominational Protestant Church. I have read through the Catechism and believe all of it’s doctrine. I have also gone to Confession to be in the grace of God. What is next on my journey?

What is next on your journey? Contact a parish where you are from and speak with the priest or the Director of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program. They will lead you on your next step towards coming into full communion with the Catholic Church. Should you need any further assistance, please […]

I am looking to join the Catholic Church. I was baptized via the trinitarian formula, in a Non-Denominational Protestant Church. I have read through the Catechism and believe all of it’s doctrine. I have also gone to Confession to be in the grace of God. What is next on my journey? Read More »

A Catholic friend of mine recently passed. When talking with her family about it, it would helpful to know 1) if they do or do not believe that their passed family member can see and know what is happening in their lives, and 2) if the passed family member can effect things that are happening to them in their daily lives. Thank you for your time.

To the first question, God has not revealed to us the exact details concerning a departed soul’s awareness of Earthly (temporal) events. So, while it ‘might’ be possible, it is rather unlikely because if the person is to enter heaven, they are either a) undergoing a purification of their soul in order to arrive at

A Catholic friend of mine recently passed. When talking with her family about it, it would helpful to know 1) if they do or do not believe that their passed family member can see and know what is happening in their lives, and 2) if the passed family member can effect things that are happening to them in their daily lives. Thank you for your time. Read More »

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