Christ is Risen!

He is Risen, indeed!

First Holy Communion

Over 40 young boys and girls of St. James received Holy Communion for the first time Saturday, May 7th! Dressed in their finery as an outward sign of their readiness to receive Jesus, their faces and souls glowed with anticipation and then with joy! Congratulations to each of you who received Jesus for the first of many, many times in your life!

A question: do we who receive Jesus frequently and have for many years of our lifetime still prepare our hearts and souls to receive Him? When we wake up on Sunday morning, what is our routine and how do we prepare for Holy Mass? I would like to suggest that before we even come to Mass that we read the readings of the day and spend some time going through what will happen at Mass. We hear in the world of athletics, “Imagine the shot. Imagine the ball going in the back of the net, the hole, the basket.” Prepare for what you are about to do. Perhaps before each Mass, we can imagine what is going to happen – our venial sins will be forgiven, we will step into the mystery of heaven surrounded by the Saints and Angels, we will hear and read the Word of God, we will receive our Lord Jesus Christ in intimate communion. I promise that if we do that in preparation for Holy Mass, we will enter into the beautiful mysteries and our hearts and souls will receive every grace and blessing that God wants to give us.

Another way to prepare is to bring a prayer intention to mass. For what intention, person, or situation will you offer your mass? You are a priest in the royal priesthood of the faithful. You, too, can offer your mass for someone or something.

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers of St. James! Each of you are a witness to life and love! Thank you for giving yourselves so beautifully and wonderfully for your children and all those entrusted to your care! The heart of a Mother is a beautiful thing – filled with love, tenderness, fidelity, strength, courage, and joy among a myriad of other things! May each of you be honored in a special way by your children today and always! May our Blessed Mother Mary and our Holy Mother the Church watch over each of you as you live this magnificent vocation!

May the Lord abundantly bless each of you and your families throughout this Easter Season!

~ Fr. Daniel Firmin

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