Creating a Healthy and Safe Environment

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned here that we have installed and will be installing air and surface purification systems from American Ion in every building on our St. James campus. Consummatum est! It is finished! Now, we can boast of the cleanest air and surfaces in all of Savannah! Thank you, American Ion, for this blessing!

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

Our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults began with a bang this past Tuesday! Over 10 people came to an inquiry session about being baptized or coming into full communion with the Catholic Church! The nearly year-long process begins now and culminates with the Easter Vigil where people are baptized and received into the Church.

If you would like to accompany them as a sponsor or just to befriend them on their journey of faith and welcome them to our Church and Parish, please let the office know. Please accompany them by your prayers! These men and women are making wonderful leaps of faith. Let’s support them as their brothers and sisters in Christ!

September Beginnings!

St. James begins to start our engines and the parish comes to life in September! This month our Sunday morning Bible Study, Monday Walking With Purpose Women’s Bibles Study, Wednesday morning That Man is You ministry, the Wednesday morning Bible Study, and the Wednesday evening Great Adventure Bible (Bible Timeline) Study begin!

Sunday through Wednesday there is some ministry of getting to know the Bible, opening up the Word of God, studying our Holy Mother the Church and her teachings. (Thursdays are for meetings…yay!!) I am very pleased with what will be offered this year for our parishioners! Everyone is invited to attend! We will be providing a health and safe environment for each of these wonderful ministries and opportunities to deepen our faith and love for the Lord Jesus!


The priests of the Diocese of Savannah were expecting to go on our Annual Priests Retreat this coming week but it was canceled due to COVID-19 concerns. We, however, will be trying to maintain some type of quiet and prayer through the week, but the sacramental schedule will not change. Please pray for us as we try to enter into some quiet time while staying here at the rectory and cottage.

May the Lord bless you and your families abundantly this week!

~ Fr. Daniel F. Firmin

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