Happy Easter!

Greeting: Christ is risen!

Response: He is risen indeed!

This is our greeting throughout the Easter Season! So, don’t be surprised if I say this to you instead of hello or good morning!

Divine Mercy Sunday (Sunday within the Octave of Easter)

The 2nd Sunday of Easter is known as Divine Mercy Sunday. We remember the mercy of Almighty God poured out for us and we place ourselves under the font of His Love and Mercy! I pray that each of you had a beautiful Easter Octave in which we celebrated each day as if it were Easter again! The Gloria is recited at masses. The Te Deum is recited during the Matins in the Divine Office (Liturgy of the Hours). Each day we live as if living in the eternal rest of God as we do each Sunday!

How do we do this – enter into God’s eternal rest? We do this by coming together as a community in prayer. We also set aside our normal work and take up more sacred work, leisure, hobbies, and work that is re-creative (that creates us anew and gives us life). Maybe we pick up some spiritual reading. Maybe we spend extra time in prayer with the Lord. Maybe we spend more time with our family. Maybe we work in our garden for some dirt therapy! Maybe we take a walk in the woods or on the beach basking in the beauty of God’s creation! Entering into God’s rest is something we are supposed to be doing every Sunday of the year! Perhaps we can make it much more of a priority this year and especially during this Easter Season!

Happy Easter to you and to your families!

Christ is risen!

He is risen indeed!

~ Fr. Daniel Firmin

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