
Come, Holy Spirit!


My prayer intention for my annual Pentecost Novena was for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon every parishioner of St. James! The Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles and Mary and transformed them into amazing witnesses of Jesus Christ through their words and deeds. He can do the same for you and me!

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful at St. James the Less in Savannah, Georgia and enkindle in them the fire of your love!

Graduation Season

Congratulations to our 8th graders here at St. James who graduated this past Thursday! I’ll see you at Sunday mass as you go through high school and I look forward to seeing the men and women you become as the Lord Jesus continues to mold and form you! Congratulations, also, to the young men of the parish who will be graduating from Benedictine Military Academy! May the Lord bless you in all your future plans and endeavors! St. James Parish is your home no matter where you go – BC, SVA, Public or other Private High School, and college!

Health update

Wednesday, May 15, I had my normal 6 month PET scan to see how the cancer is responding to the chemotherapy and the prayers. The results were encouraging and I am very happy with them. There is no convincing evidence that the cancer has progressed or metastasized. Everything is stable! Sure, it would’ve been great to see that the cancer was no longer there, but this result is encouraging.

The most effective treatment for this type of cancer is the type of surgery I underwent in February of last year. Unfortunately, that was unsuccessful. So, the treatment plan in place presently is to keep the cancer at bay through chemotherapy and prayer! And that plan has been successful so far! I am taking oral chemotherapy – two weeks on and one week off.

Thank you for all the prayers, support, and love! They and you give me courage and help me bear the weight of the cancer. Without you and so many people praying, it would be so much more difficult to walk this journey. I am honored and extremely blessed to have each of you by my side as I walk this road the Lord Jesus has laid out before me! Thank you!

May the peace, joy, and hope of our Risen Lord Jesus be with you and your families!

~ Fr. Daniel Firmin

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