150th Anniversary of Our Lady of Good Hope

Christ is risen!

He is risen indeed!

150th Anniversary of Our Lady of Good Hope

Last Sunday, May 5th, Bishop Stephen Parkes, Bishop – emeritus J. Kevin Boland, Archabbot Martin Bartel, priests, Benedictines, and nearly 100 lay faithful commemorated the 150th Anniversary of Our Lady of Good Hope Chapel on the Isle of Hope! In 1874, Benedictine monks arrived on the Isle of Hope to open a chapel and a school for freed slaves. Since that year, the Chapel has been open for mass weekly or monthly off and on again. After mass at the chapel, we had a wonderful celebration and told stories of martyrs, miracles, and memories at Villa Marie Center.

It was a lovely evening! Thanks to an amazing committee of Susanna and Wright “Bubba” Powers, Dan Willoughby, Pat Signs, Gil Brown, Fr. David Klecker, OSB, and Fr. Lewis King the mass and the whole celebration was beautiful, elegant, and festive! As Bishop Boland put it, “It was, hands down, the best parish celebration I have attended in my 30 years of being a bishop!”

Celebrating the Sesquicentennial of the Chapel is a celebration of the history and roots of the faith in this part of Savannah, in our St. James the Less Parish! What a legacy we inherit! Now, it is our turn to pass it on to the next generation!

Graduation Season

Congratulations to our 8th graders here at St. James who will be graduating this Thursday, May 16th! Congratulations to the young men of the parish who will be graduating from Benedictine Military Academy on May 12th! May the Lord bless you in all your future plans and endeavors! St. James Parish is your home no matter where you go – BC, SVA, Public or other Private High School, and college!

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all our mothers, grandmothers, and godmothers at St. James! May you be honored and blessed this day and always by your families as you give life to us and to the whole world through your motherhood!

May the peace, joy, and hope of our Risen Lord Jesus be with you and your families!

~ Fr. Daniel Firmin

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