First Communion

Christ is risen!

He is risen indeed!

First Communion

This weekend, as we begin May, Mary’s month, we celebrate First Communion for our 2nd graders, and some of our children who haven’t received this Sacrament and are a little older! Congratulations to each of you!

Jesus gives Himself to us in the Sacrament of the Eucharist to bring us into union with Him. He loves us so much that He wants to become part of us and intimately involved in all that we do. When we were baptized, He began to work in us to make us whole, and form us into men and women destined for eternal happiness in heaven. Receiving Holy Communion continues that good work and helps to bring it to completion. We are strengthened by Jesus in the Eucharist so that our faith will be strong and firm. We are rejuvenated and refreshed by Jesus in the Eucharist so that our hope will be lively and fresh. We are inspired by Jesus in the Eucharist so that our love will deepen and burn brightly in our hearts. How has receiving Holy Communion changed your life?

Congratulations to our children who received First Holy Communion this weekend!

Graduation Season

Graduation season begins! This month, students in our St. James family will be graduating from college, high school, and 8th grade! What a month of celebrations!

Congratulations to our college graduates!  Preparing for next Sunday, congratulations to the young men who will be graduating from Benedictine Military Academy on May 12th! May the Lord bless you in all your future plans and endeavors!

In the next few weeks, we will give congratulations to our St. James School 8th grade graduates, our young women graduating from St. Vincent’s Academy, and our young men and women graduating from our other area public and private schools.

Happy Mother’s Day

Don’t forget to honor your mother next Sunday! Happy Mother’s Day to all our mothers at St. James! May you be honored and blessed this day and always as you give life to us and to the whole world by your motherhood!

May the peace, joy, and hope of our Risen Lord Jesus be with you and your families!

~ Fr. Daniel Firmin

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