School Returns!

Monday, August 8th, we welcome back our students and families to St. James School! After a few months away, life returns to a normal schedule of getting up earlier, going to bed earlier, classes and bells, uniforms, haircuts, etc…. I think the children are looking forward to it! I am certain the parents are more excited!

Our beautiful ministry of forming and educating our children in the ways of faith and being good Christians and disciples of Jesus Christ begins again in our 67th year here at St. James! We welcome new friends, classmates, families, students, and teachers. We open our hearts and minds to all that the Lord Jesus will teach us this year! I am looking forward to another wonderful year here at St. James Catholic School!

The presence of our IHM Sisters makes our school so very special! We are only 1 of 2 schools in the Diocese that are blessed by the witness of religious sisters. We are the only Catholic School in Savannah that has religious sisters working day in and day out, pouring themselves out for our children and giving witness to Jesus Christ! We are so very blessed!

Welcome and Welcome back to all the students, families, faculty, and staff!

Well, the last time I updated everyone about my condition and my treatment plan it was a surgery in September and recovery. Now things have changed.

I will begin chemotherapy on Monday, August 8th, to fight a new type of cancer found in the colon – mucinous adenocarcinoma. My doctors want me to undergo 3 months of treatment. Then, they will do a scan to determine what things look like. We will determine whether to do another 2 months of chemo or have surgery. Either way, at the end of the chemo will be surgery.

So, my journey just got a little longer! I am confident in the Lord Jesus and in my doctors that this plan is the best way to prepare for and accomplish a curative surgery. That being said, I will not be surprised at all if the scan produces no trace of cancer at all! Through the prayers and the intercession of Fr. Rick Thomas, the cancer doesn’t stand a chance!

I am extremely grateful for each of you and the prayers, love, and support you have shown me and continue to show me! Thank you!!

May the Lord Jesus Bless you abundantly this week!
I can’t wait to be back with you full time!

~ Fr. Daniel Firmin

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